HotbarPlus | Construct intuitive hotbars quickly and easily


Construct intuitive hotbar items and bind functions or conditions to easily create items and abilities.

Hi guys,

I needed to make a hotbar for my game, so I thought, why not just make this a module? Now you don't have to spend any time making yet another hotbar 'cause you can just write like 10 lines with this and you're done.

There's a link to the Github below, along with the documentation site. Oh and the module itself too.

Hope it's useful!


GitHub - RafiKastner/HotbarPlus

Only takes a couple lines

local Dismantle = --To make the first item shown above


Thanks to

@ForeverHD, though not directly scripting anything, for his TopbarPlus which I have taken much inspiration on structure and object-oriented design from
@pobammer for the Janitor library
@stravant for the GoodSignal package


I think this is very useful, however, can you add autocorrect for items? There’s honestly so many methods and features that I’m not remembering them all, so it would be VERY useful. (I’m not trying to look at docs half the time I’m developing man)

Also, when calling .new() can we possibly pass the ToggleKey, Text, Label, and BottomText as arguments? Chances are, you intend to use these if you create an item anyways, so it can save you the time.

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