Hosting Guide (Co-Host/Host)
Hello, welcome to Stay’s Hotel (interview/training) centre! I am you’re host, [username] joined by your co-host [username]!
Before we begin, we will be going over some rules, please listen to these rules carefully as it will help you in the future.
I) Grammar and Punctuation is required when being any games owned by Hotel Amethyst.
II) You must be kind to everyone.
III) You must not troll, spam nor exploit as a staff member on the group game.
IV) TRAINING ONLY Staff, you are to line up on the LOOOOONNNNNNGGGG black line.
V) TRAINING ONLY Trainee’s are to line up on the colorful lines.
VI) Training ONLY If you have safechat, you may not become an Reception, but you may become any other rank!
These are all the rules, (interview/training) may now commence.
Training ONLY The doors are now opening, come on in!
Interview ONLY Staff Members, please choose a guest to interview now.
Interviewers may create their own guide.
Interviews*= Must include 7 questions, such as Why do you want to work here, On a scale of 1-10, what will you rate your grammar, etc.
Trainers may also create their own guide, here are what you must include.
1, 5 things about that rank.
2, For Barista, Reception and Barista, they must do a basic role-play test.
3. A TROLL test.