Hotel rank up system

Hi all,
I’m building a roblox hotel, and I have a points system where players earn points per customer they serve. I would like it so when they reach a certain amount of points (e.g. 100), they get promoted to the next rank in the group. Places like Nova and Bloxtun do this automatically, but i am not sure how to do it. Any help on how I could go about setting one up would be fab.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

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You could have an IntValue for each player which stores the number of points the person has. Every time the points increases, you can check whether it is higher than the number of points required for the next rank.

Would that be able to automatically rank them up in the group?

No, as far as I know you cannot change people’s ranks in groups from in game. (Unless you use HttpService and an external service)

Ok. Are you aware of how the places like Nova would do it? Is there a discord bot or something?

It is in fact possible to do this, but it is a bit advanced. I would suggest modifying @CAP7A1N’s system.

You can try and fire the remote event to rank people after they reach the number of points.

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Well im not very good at scripting so that poses a bit of a challenge…

There is systems pre made that do this ( i did one for Echelon when i used to work for them), You would need to detect when the player hits a certain point then fire the event which would then rank them.

Ok. The thing is i have no idea how to do any of this?

There is products out there that u can buy which are all setup for example my service provide most of the products any group needs from 750rs to 1500rs

EDIT : Making a test place to show this.

Yeah I’m not entirely sure, but there may be some ranking systems out there that allow you to use the remote event yourself so you don’t need to make the bot and know JS, all you have to do is fire the event.

Yes but on top of that the user has to cover hosting and then update the bot when it breaks etc.

So when you purchase one of these systems is it one time or monthly?

It would be monthly to cover costs of running the actual bot, but in the basic package you would get an App center, rank center, points system and access to the discord bot thats linked to it

Ok. Another issue is: I have a few thousand robux, but i think im purchasing the checkmein system. I hope to have the hotel getting a good income from gamepass sales, however i’m only making 5-20R$ per day from clothes. Is there some kind of free alternative?

Nothing in life is exactly free, to put the bot on a vps it would cost about $5 Monthly (Free VPS’s dont exactly work for ranking bots) then you would have to then learn some kind of lua to script the roblox side. UNless you want to try and do it yourself. It would still cost about the same price than just using a service that provides it all to you.

Hmmmm ok. Is there another less automated option? Like where I can get a message to discord and then i rank them up manually? I know it sounds like a massive pain and i really dont want to do it, however with a hotel in construction, and little daily income, it seems out of the question to pay monthly. I would definately upgrade as the hotel grows, and i wish there was some way i could automate it or semi-automate it without a cost.

There are… certain… ways to get hosting for free. I host all my discord bots and web servers on external servers for free.

Yeah but I dont know how to script inside or outside of roblox

THere is free ways but most of them have catches, or major issues in security or save ur data externally.