Hotel rank up system

You are correct, you need to be careful when you see someone offering “free hosting”, because it could be a scam. However when you set up the system yourself it allows you full control and you know it is secure.

Yeah i wouldnt want to do that. But I dont know how successful this is going to be yet.

I would do it myself, however I am not aware on how to script much in roblox studio, or how to script a bot at all.

Well nothing is exactly secure the code could have backdoors this is why people prefer to use services than self host. If the user doesnt know how to code anything they could be inserting a Exploitable system into there game (which is worse than it sounds)

This is true, which is why for this case it is best that an external service is used.

Id much rather have other people hosting it. But the price is the only barrier here. I would pay, however without a guaranteed success i dont want to go round spending robux on things like that.

Is there any other alternatives (fully automated or semi) and if so what are they?

You could use webhooks which u can find in toolbox

What do they do? What would i have to do to aid the rank up process (if anything)

webhooks would just be sending a message to discord, from their u can rank them up manually.

I see. This would work great for a small scale hotel, however I would constantly have to be active for it to work. I suppose I could do it temporarily (hopefully) until i start getting an income from it. Which ones from the toolbox would work for this, I have a feeling some would be un-secure and full of malicious bits and bobs. f you could point me in the direction of one that would be suitable, that would be awesome!

You can find just a webhook module and then work it out from there or possibly make one. Although
if you wanted it automated / manually You would still need the 4000rs Model of checkmein (Enterprise) for the points system

Yep. thats the one i was planning to get, im hoping that by the time ive finished the hotel, ill have a reasonable amount of robux to buy that without spending all i have. It seems like the only thing out there though, so I think its worth it?

CheckMeIn is a great and secure system many games use it, so it is worth it, But you could buy the standard system and upgrade your license at their portal at any time (2000) to upgrade.

Can you do that? I didnt realise that! So your only paying the difference? Like if I spent 2000R$ on the standard one, i could pay another 2000R$ to upgrade to the enterprise one, instead of paying 2000 then another 4000?

Yes they have a upgrade option which is 2000 which then gives u the enterprise package.

Awesome! Maybe i’ll get that first… although it doesnt include the points system? Im sure ill find a way around it, or just bite the bullet and buy the enterprise edition and be done with it. Thanks for all your help, its been great!

A story of CMI

I bought check me in before, only a standard liscence and half an hour before we had the grand opening for our first ever hotel version, it broke. HTTPS Was enabled, and there were no errors. I messaged the creator on devforum, they offered to help me resolve the issue, but by time they got back to me, my friend had already made me a really quick temporary solution.

I would still recommend check me in. Additionally, if you want to be notified, maybe use a discord webhook like @HmmBilly said, or use the trello API.
And the point system only comes with the enterprise version of CMI.

Yeah i am aware of that, thats what is making me lean to just getting that, seeing as it is a one time lifetime purchase too. They seem to have good customer support, i messaged the creator with questions and he got back within 15 mins. It is used by over 1700 hotels on roblox too, im pretty sure its worth it.

And yeah, ill probably temporarily set that up and invest in the bot when (or if) I start to get an income. I have a discord server, so i could make a channel there so others could rank people up to help out. Thank you!

If you directly follow my tutorial, you need no scripting knowledge for the most part.

All you would need to do is set a .Changed function on the stat then rank them if the stat is more than X.

Also, not to be a mini-mod but you guys should stop trying to advertise yourself in scripting support. If the OP wanted to pay, they would have made a recruitment topic.