House in the forest

I was bored and decided to make something whip up something quick, took 2 days.

Made from a place irl, photo found on pinterest.

If you wanna see it in-game then here you go
edit: I didnt know it was set to friends only


the vegetation and texture are amazing!


I’m absolutely shocked. that literally doesn’t look like roblox. I love it

how long did the build take ?


At the second there, I thought that was actually a real-life photo, but it turns out it was the game :sweat_smile:

But still, this is AMAZING! I love how it’s SOO realistic and the amount of details you added is just phenomenal.

Keep up the outstanding work you’re doing!


Around 12 hours, give or take.


holy cow this is NOT roblox!! how did you do the plant and grass and tree?


I honestly thought that you were showing the photos that you got it from at first. AMAZING work! If you ever wanted to make a large open world game, you would have great skills for it!


nice one! I like real live stuff.

It may be cool but it going to be harder to make

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Blender magic :sparkles: :ghost:

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how did you get all the decals like that i thought hair particlesdidnt improt

I love it, it has soo much details like the moss stone stairs, the grass, and just look at those walls.

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The house is beautiful and is realistic. Keep up the good work!

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This is absolutely stunning! It’s so gorgeous. I really loved the stone pathway!

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It looks almost too real you sure your computer can handle it?

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I thought this was real, I’m very impressed!

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