Household Development Team Is Hiring Scripters!

Hey! Were Household , a group of skilled developers working on an upcoming bloxburg / adopt me style game. We currently have a semi-full team however we would like to add a professional scripter to add to our palette.

What We Expect

  • We expect a good work effort , aswell as communication skills , you should be able to get along with other developers and understand what your role in the team is.

  • We expect you to apply with your portfolio or proof of work

  • You must be 13+ years old to apply


  • Payment will range from 20k-30k for tasks , however this has the option to increase significantly if work is shown to be outstanding. Percentages can be negotiated as a large amount of robux will be invested into the game.

  • We expect work to be completed on the game or on a test plate , payment will be completed after we think the work is up to a good enough standard.


Contact pengoo#9828 or Radulo3D#9857


:house:[NEW] Household!:house: - Roblox

BlueCrab - Roblox

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