Hovering over button will automatically press the specific button

I’m currently in the works of a plugin but there is just one thing that is interfering and that is every time you hover over one of the buttons, it will just be pressed without the mouse being clicked.

This is currently in the way of things, as your not supposed to just hover over it and instead actually press it.

Button Code:

local function onInputBegan2(inputObject2)
	game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = 12
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Could you not just use TextButtons and MouseButton1Clicked?

I mean, I’d want it to be an image that you can click and not just some text.

Could you not use an ImageButton then…?
Alternatively you can make the text or background of the TextButton invisible by setting the Transparency to 1 and add in an Image or Frame as a child of it.

I’m currently using an ImageButton

So why are you using InputBegan instead of MouseButton1Clicked? I’ve never heard of InputBegan before.

(Solved the issue, had to change it to MouseButton1Down)

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It’s actually MouseButton1Click(), my bad.
Here’s how you could use it:

local function onInputBegan2(inputObject2)
	game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = 12
