Hovering over player not working with accessories

So, I have a problem. I have a cuffs system and a hover over player to display rank and username script, the problem is that when clicking or hovering over a players accessories, the scripts will not apply. When I hover over the base parts of their bodies, it works. I want it to work so that any part of the players body or accessories they have on, the scripts will apply. How would I do this?

You can use “Handle” part inside of Accessory instance.

:wave:t2:Here are some options friend!
Option 1. You can ignore the accessories parts in whatever code you are using.
Option 2. You can get all parts in a Character Model using :GetDescendants() instead of :GetChildren()
Option 3. If your code detects the part its hovering above first, and then tries to get it’s parent there is a simple alternative.
Instead of checking if the Parent of the part is a character, you can use

 --This will search all parents of an object untill it finds the one you want.

For example:

function FindCharacterFromPart(Part)
	local Found = nil
	for i,Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
		if Part:FindFirstAncestor(Player.Name) then
			Found = Part:FindFirstAncestor(Player.Name) 
	return Found


This function would find a character from any part if there is one.