How about a “follow developer” feature?

So, I was thinking like a “follow developer” feature in here. You know how Roblox has a follow button? How about that but you can see their new forum post, or new message on a forum post? This has endless possibilities.
How did I got the idea?
The idea came when I was searching the forums and I thought to myself “How about a follow button?”.
Some cool features.
Here are the following features I think of:

  1. Join notification if the forum developer joined your game.
  2. See new forums/messages.
    Those what I thought, I want your opinions on the comments!
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There’s already been a feature like that but it was disabled temporarily because Discourse has been glitching out with the feature. It’ll be up soon.


More specifically, next forum maintenance is when it’ll be back. A vague “Soon :tm:” can be annoying, but unfortunately there’s not really a better answer we can give.