I can’t follow people on the Developer Forum

image So, this started happening a few days ago. The follow button on the profiles aren’t appearing, and I am questioning on why this is happening. I’ve provided a screenshot to prove this.

I think that it’s been disabled because of maintenance that happened recently. They’ll add it back eventually, don’t worry.


The Follow button is disabled before during a maintenance a couple of weeks ago, from what I heard is that they might add it back soon during another maintenance or some sort of update on the forums.

Hope that answers your question!


Adding onto @loueque’s post:

(It was specifically disabled due to causing people’s profiles not to load properly.)


It will be restored the next time Roblox rebuilds the forum instances for an update


@buildthomas are you sure its for an update? I am curious on how or why it wasn’t appearing or it wasn’t visible. I was still very confused on why this was happening or what caused it, but thank you for informing me. :slight_smile:

Can you rephrase your question?

You can read through the discussion in the PRs above + commit history of the discourse-follow repo to understand what was broken. Something related to switching page routing to a new function.


Oh. I was asking if it was just a maintenance update for the forums, or just a feature that is locked momentarily.

It’s turned off until Roblox updates this forum to have the new version, then it can be turned back on.


Hi, we updated the forum today with the new version of discourse-follow, so this should be fixed.

Please file any issues with the plugin on GitHub - discourse/discourse-follow: A Discourse plugin that lets you follow other users.