I don’t really understand what u want to do, but if I am right this code could whelp u.
local stringValue = cruicider.imanse.leteam -- assuming cruicider.imanse.leteam is a StringValue object
local brickColorValue = stringValue.Value -- retrieve the string value from the StringValue object
-- Create a BrickColor object using the string value
local brickColor = BrickColor.new(brickColorValue)
-- Assign the BrickColor to a part
cruicider.rul.BrickColor = brickColor
local Part = script.Parent
local String = script.String.Value -- this is a StringValue: New Yeller
local Color = script.Color.Value -- this is a Color3Value: 170, 0, 0
--(both are inside the script for this test)
Part.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(String)
Part.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(Color)