How am I able to accomplish this

I am making a game. I have apple trees which apples fall off of from the client side.
Which is pretty much just removing the apples from the tree and moving apples in from workspace from serverstorage. This is all done by a clientscript as I don’t want other players to see it. Then those apples have clickdetectors and when I click on the apples nothing happens. Clickdetector is placed in the main part of the apple i’ve tried both client and sever script inside the clickdetector to print(“Click”) when I click on the apple.


My cursor will let me click on it, but doesn’t print “CLICK”

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This could be caused from the apples being visible from the client side only. Using a local script instead of serverscript using the code you provided should work.


tried it still it won’t print click

Solved this one my self. I decided to do it a different way by using and use proximity prompts instead.

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