How am I able to script a prison script?

I want to script a script that puts players in prison for an amount of time & lets them out after. I have found not a single tutorial on this, and my scripts do not work and I have no idea why. I’m at a blank slate because if I finished the prison script then my game would be complete and it’s really hindering my progress. I don’t need “Find out for yourself” or “Look it up online” or “Please try to read posts before asking for help” because I have done it all.

This is my current script:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

	local JailTimer = player:WaitForChild("prisonFolder"):WaitForChild("jailTimer")
	local inPrison = player:WaitForChild("prisonFolder"):WaitForChild("inPrison")
	if JailTimer.Value > 0 then
		inPrison.Value = true
	elseif JailTimer.Value == 0 and inPrison.Value == true then
		inPrison.Value = false


	local JailTimer = player:WaitForChild("prisonFolder"):WaitForChild("jailTimer")
	local inPrison = player:WaitForChild("prisonFolder"):WaitForChild("inPrison")
	print("Player is prison")
	while player:WaitForChild("prisonFolder"):WaitForChild("jailTimer").Value > 0 do
		print("Time Remaining: "..player:WaitForChild("prisonFolder"):WaitForChild("jailTimer").Value)
		player:WaitForChild("prisonFolder"):WaitForChild("jailTimer").Value = player:WaitForChild("prisonFolder"):WaitForChild("jailTimer").Value - 1
	print("Player is out of prison") 
	inPrison.Value = false


		print("character out of jal")

This script only prints “character out of jal” and thats it. I need to know if I need to completely tear town this script & make a new one using the help people provide or I just need to fix certain things. Please tell me because I am out of options.

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Take a look at this. This is the only if statement that lets the “outofJail” bindable fire. That most likely means that the JailTimer’s value is equal to 0, since the other statement checks if its value is higher than 0. Try printing, before writing the if/elseif statement, the value of JailTimer. If it’s equal to 0 then you got the answer to your problem.

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But surely thats not correct? JailTimer.Value is equal to 30 currently on my player & the if statement only fires if jailtimer.value = 0