How am I getting premium payouts for a private game I haven’t played in months?

Forgive me if this is off topic, but, how is this possible? Has my account had its 2 step bypassed and logged into by someone else who has then played my game?

Hmmm, i probably think that if you got the “Same account launched on another device” error kick from game, then someone must have logged onto your account and bought you robux.
Or, if it was Roblox themselves, it probably means that Roblox viewed your game, if it was well made, they must have been impressed to the point where they gave you some premium payouts. I am just not sure. Or, it can be a hacker that hacked the system to give you robux, and make the message disguise as a premium payout, Just, i am NOT sure.

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Thanks for the advice but ive now done some digging and someone has compromised multiple of my accounts, im starting afresh with new ones, ive had a good ride with this account.

Thank you for you feedback and the last ever reply to one of my posts.