I am making a parkour game, and after 3 days and 5 failed Character Controllers (1 with vector force, 2 with assembly linear velocity on humanoid root part, and another 2 with a controller manager) i decided to ask you, developers with more roblox experience than me. What is the best way to apply velocity to a character, for, knockback, a character controller (Walking, Jumping, Wall-Running, including disabling gravity, etc.), or anything else, that is easy, reliable and doesn’t act weirdly.
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use applyimpulse or bodyvelocity
tried both, apply impulse was too weak or too strong, i couldn’t get it to a good speed, and didn’t work well for the acceleration, but i think it may be useful for knockback, and isn’t body velocity deprecated?
bodyvelocity still works well, if you don’t like deprecated stuff then just use LinearVelocity
i will try it tomorrow, i heard that it is easier to use them compared to linear velocity. but i don’t like using deprecated objects.
as far as what i know linearvelocity is the new and updated version of bodyvelocity, good luck!
i feel bad for having to rewrite the same script for the fourth time in 3-4 days
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