How are DataStore2's keys saved?

I want to use the DataStore Editor to look at some of my users datastore.

The thing is, I use DataStore2 to manage my data, and after looking through the module, I have no idea how to get my data.

For those who don’t know how the DataStore Editor plugin works, you put in the name of your datastore in the space then hit Connect. Scope can be blank.

Next you put in the key that you set by the SetAsync/UpdateAsync function in DataStore and it should display your data, either in dictionary or value.

from an old datastore of mine that used ProfileService

Note that im not looking for how to get the data using it’s API. I’m talking about how to get their DataStore name and keys. Any help is appreciated.

Found a solution :grimacing:

Say the following example:

local DataStore2 = require(ServerModules.DataStore2)
DataStore2.Combine("MainName", unpack(Keys))

you’d then have to type out the name like this, USERIDHERE being the user’s UserId

And the way they save it is by saving data in seperate keys in an order. You’d pretty much have to guess which number is your most recent one but I can find mine by printing it out in DataStore2>SavingMethods>OrderedBackups


It’s really complicated, but I finally figured it out.

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