How are Devs Suppose to Handle plugin string inputs?

Hey Developers! I am a developer on the platform working on a public plugin for roblox studio.

This plugin generates randoms Strings, and also collects User input by Textboxes, meaning User strings.

As The Roblox Docs States:

" You must filter any displayed text that you don’t have explicit control over to make sure your experiences are compliant. Examples include…

  • User Input - Users can display text to others by:

    • Text Input - TextBox input, custom GUI with character buttons, and interactive keyboard models in the 3D space.

    • Implicit Input - Spelling out words with 3D Parts and Models.

  • Random Words - If your experience generates words from random characters and displays them to users, there is a chance that it creates inappropriate words. "

You will notice it says experience, But the terms of service are worded weirdly:


“All chat and content is also reportable”, “Filter all chat and text” etc.

You see this plugin would be public so Users and other developers could get access to results, and if a developer uses the plugin, anyone else could see in if in a team create session. And as far as I know I would need to apply the rules

TL;DR (real issue) :
Ok context time is done, I just explained the context and why probably, unless told otherwise, that I need to apply a text Filter. You see, roblox provides a text filter, TextService:FilterStringAsync() that can be used to apply a filter. Normally, In a perfect world, this works wonderfully. However, this filter doesn’t work in studio! Remember in my case, I am making a studio plugin!

So the one simple/complex question I have: What Am I suppose to do as a creator in plugins to provide a safe plugin which follows the rules, and doesn’t break the Terms of Service? And how can I ensure that my plugin has the least amount of take down risk as possible?

Now I do want to mention I did made a topic in scripting support seen here, although its a long post (And the post started out with a different issue, and changed into this kinda post after more knowledge was found that I couldn’t use :FilterStringAsync()), and this topic doesn’t require scripting knowledge if you can just explain how your suppose to handle string inputs, and I can figure out the scripting side :smile:.


as far as i know it’s impossible to filter in studio, you can try using your own filtering system or making this a feature request

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I really wish to make a feature request. I don’t have access to #feature-requests:studio-features meaning I can’t post in it because I’m only a member.

While I do agree, making my own if its impossible to use roblox’s is better then nothing. I have 2 issues with this. My first issue is that I know creators have gotten in trouble in the past for making their own. Now often, this is in experiences which is different in my case for studio, as they have a choice to use robloxes and choose to make their own, where in my case (unless proven otherwise) I don’t have this choice. My second issue with this, is that I am fully responsible in creating my own. For example, lets say a bad string is inputted and my custom filter, either errors, or doesn’t filter it. Assuming its against TOS I am fully responsible for it, where if I use robloxes methods and filter it their way, and their API is down etc. I can provide them my code and unless I am mishandling it, the responsibility is shared/or on robloxes hand.

I also would like to mention I did make a request using their support system, although got an email with

Which I don’t understand as I see this as a Safety suggestion. (Ticket 71088346). Which idk what the next steps are to take from here. If anyone got suggestions on what to do next, I’m up to try anything as I kinda really need this for filtering strings inputs for my plugins I make and publish.


Still having issues as idk how to handle user input on the platform in roblox studio :man_shrugging:

Because I’m assuming roblox wants users to filter input, but how can I filter the input within the Studio platform, as I assume I am responsible as a developer of a plugin to do so, but no API or roblox function can meet this need within studio that I have found yet that works as needed within my plug-in.

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Note that it specifically mentions “Building your game or experience”. This section does not apply to plugins. There’s probably another statement in the ToS for that.

Well I would say the reason still would apply right? Anyone can be become a developer as far as I know and anyone could download a public plug-in (it tends to be an older audience, but I’m saying it could be anyone unless Roblox prevents these users <13 from studio, which if so please correct me). The reason they state there is because of COPPA for legal reasons. So this would apply in Roblox studio plug-ins right as anyone can become a developer? Because roblox “scans all chat communication and user inputted text for legal reasons”. While yes, the most public market is experiences on the platform so roblox will push really hard on experiences to make sure their still safe, but I am assuming that this is across the entire platform (as the Tag system exists in other places like the description of game passes as an example, if I remember correctly).

I guess so. In that case the rules should apply to all UGC.

In the case where a text filter cannot be provided, you might be able to find an endpoint in the Roblox API, but I doubt there is one.

There is a API for Roblox filter system but it doesn’t work in studio that I have seen in other posts (I made a scripting topic on the issue, trying to figure out why and people pointed it out and saying that it doesn’t work so I’m confident unless proven otherwise) The issue is that some outputs are user inputs, and others are randomly generated in my case. If it’s not against the TOS, I would be fine for user input (but as mentioned above I don’t think this is the case with COPPA), I still need one because I would be responsible for the randomly generated results.

My question really is what do I do next or, if there is a solution to my issue, that it is provided. I made a ticket with support, as seen in one of my posts above, but they said they couldn’t provide support on my issue, but weren’t clear and where I should report it to. So idk what to do other then the fact that I kinda need something that will work for my issue at hand.