How can I achieve flat/nearly flat lighting?

I’m trying to light the inside of a room so that all walls in the room receive equal amounts of light. However, there’s always a singular annoyingly bright wall on one side of the room.

I tried a number of different things, going through basically every property in lighting, methodically deleting all the different lighting elements to see if anything affected it, turned off celestial bodies, changed the lighting technology, along with a number of other trials.

My ineptitude may be partially due to being new to the developer forum, and the answer might be on here somewhere, but as far as I looked, I could not find a solution that worked.

Here are a couple different screenshots of the main problems. The first screenshot is just the blindingly bright spot on the wall. The second image is a larger room which displays how the colors of each wall are differently colored, presumably because of the faulty lighting.

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I suggest possibly trying different lighting technologies.
If that doesn’t work I would suggest turning up the light’s brightness and/or range and then lowering the bloom’s sensitivity and intensity.

Tried changing the lighting technology to no avail. Changing to modes like Future or ShadowMap definitely reduce how intense the lighting is, but do not fix the problem of the uneven lighting overall.

As for bloom, I tweaked the settings of it and even went as far as disabling/deleting it but it seems like it has no effect at all.

This is just kind of an unfortunate side-effect of Roblox’s lighting engine. You can try using the bottom-most solution of another reply I’ve made (How to Prevent Light from Bleeding through walls - #3 by FlustereDev), as from my experience it can greatly improve the lighting in a room.

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For flat lighting there’s a few tricks to do it. You can turn down the overall bloom of the game and use the neon material to achieve flat lighting or you can convert a mesh in a program like blender and point all normals to -9999 on the z axis

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