How can I achieve this?

Hello, I recently found this video and it got me thinking on how to make it. It’s basically the old Roblox skateboards, but on water, and that’s the part which I’m struggling on. How can I make it work on water?

Any help is appreciated.

If you can make it on land it will also work on water ever noticed that sometimes the boats u see in a game can work on land ye…

Yeah… I am aware, but checking if the ski is in water, if it is then add particles.

You could use raycasting to check wheter water is under your board.

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Slightly confused, how would you use raycasting for this situation? Mind giving an example?

That wouldn’t work if he wants ramps and things, as it’ll see the ramp as “non-water” and stop the waterboard.

What I suggest using is Region3s and BodyVelocities. How would you go about using them though?

Well, first you’d have to set up a region around the lake/playable area. That should be pretty simple and with a little bit of code you could make it so if the waterboard leaves the region it’ll not work (i.e no BodyVelocities).

Next, you’d have to set up the BodyVelocity. There are 2 ways of doing this, each with different outcomes. If you would like the waterboard to be WASD compatible, you’ll need to either detect WASD from the UserInputService and then update the BodyVelocity then, or you could bind it to WASD until the user is off the waterboard.

In option 2, however, all you’ll need to do is make the BodyVelocities Velocity = player’s torso’s look Vector. This sounds confusing but it’s simply making the BoldyVelocity face whatever way the player is facing, meaning there isn’t WASD or stopping but it’ll go straight forward (relative to the player).

I hope this helped!