How can I activate and deactivate a screengui?

Hello I would like to know how to activate and deactivate the screengui, any ideas? I don’t remember the process well, I forgot. :frowning:

Thank you very much in advance :smiley:

you can use the Enabled property on ScreenGuis to turn them on or off.

But I don’t understand how to manipulate this from the script, I remember that it was a particular code

ScreenGui.Enabled = true
ScreenGui.Enabled = false

true will make it appear, false will make it disappear

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Are you asking with a script or manually? Manually, you just go to the properties tab, and check/uncheck the “Enabled” property within the ScreenGUI of which you’re configuring.

Automated, you can use a script that changes this property; for example: say we wanted the GUI to disappear after 5 seconds of a player joining the game, to do this, I would program it like this (also, in my example - the screenGUI is named “welcomeGUI”!)
script.Parent.StarterGUI.welcomeGUI.Enabled = false

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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Another way is changing the Visible property.

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Thank you guys very much for the clarification, it was very helpful! Thank you :smiley: