How can I go about putting clothing from say, the catalog, onto my skinned mesh character in studio? The rig I’m using is just the default one from Roblox from the avatar importer.
I’ve tried looking on YouTube for possible solutions, but to no avail. Same thing with the DevForum. Wondering if anyone has used skinned mesh’s before and knows how to put different clothes on them, from the catalog, etc.
@Disparrel Did you ever work this out? I’m finding the same thing. I’ve created some simple TShirts in my game, but they don’t work on certain avatars. And using the Rig Builder in studio, it’s the Skinned Avatar that they don’t seem to work on and I can’t work out why.
No I never did. Seeing how skinned mesh’s are so new, I’m not sure if they have support for some types of clothing. Though I could be wrong, I might give it another go some time.