April 1, 2023, 10:55pm
How can I animate FPS arms and gun?
My gun is a model and not a tool.
April 2, 2023, 1:23am
I’m pretty sure you would use something like local Parts
as arms or a ViewportFrame
- unless you mean you already have those done and just need to animate them.z
If you DO mean that, I’m sorry.
you can make a fps arm with the gun on it and make it a humanoid. I will show you a model later
April 2, 2023, 3:53am
There’s a tutorial on how to animate tooksx I’ll link jut here
2022/12/13 Update: Can’t believe this thread is 3 years old, I have updated the majority content of this tutorial (including the code) and improved readability.
Hello everyone! I am Headstackk.
I have developed a Weapon Framework used in my game Weaponry . In this post, I will explain how to get started with animating tools, especially weapons on Roblox.
In most of the Roblox weapon frameworks (Excluding advanced shooter frameworks such as Phantom Forces), I observed that they usually only ada…
in a FPS tutorial they showed that there is a better way instead of that(believe)
I recommend that you make connections in the model and with moonAnimator make the animations