How can I animate textLabel?

How should I animate label like here? I know I’ve to use tween, but I dont know how to make like in the video, can u tell me please

I also need to make it so that when I click repeatedly on the button, the text does not move away.

It looks to be something like this:

  1. Tween the size of the background (the 2.2m holding thing) to be larger, before returning to normal
  2. At the same time, create a new TextLabel, set at a random rotation. Make the position of the new textlabel be somewhere randomly within the pounds of the background
  3. Move it down to the down and the right, with one of the exponential tween type (I think the default one is sufficient, but you may need to reverse the direction) (Position = InitialPos plus maybe 0,1 scale Y and 0.02 scale X)
  4. When the above tween finishes, Make a new tween going to the up and right, with a shorter duration. At the same time, tween the transparency to 1. You can also add a check to not do this if they are frantically clicking.

Hopefully this gives enough info for you?

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Just basic tweening with the size of the label when an action happens like the player stats changing and it displaying how much got added