How can I ask robloxs support team a question?

Correct me if this is the wrong category.

So I have a question that I need to ask roblox support team right, but Alas I’m usure how.
I went to the roblox support thing but there isn’t a category to ask a question(Well at least to my knowledge. If there is please tell me)

So how do I contact them then?
My question is something to do with a certain feature on roblox and If I am aloud to do a certain thing with


Hey FroDev,

Not sure but the feature is, but your question would likely fall under the “How To,” “Ideas and Suggestions,” or “Technical Support.” Below, I’ve attached a link to the support form.

I suppose it wouldn’t do you any wrong if you accidentally put it under the wrong category… the worst thing that could happen is that they redirect your email.

Good luck


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