How can i automate this?

Hi all.
I was thinking of ways to automate this… i’ll let my script speak for me.
I know it’s ugly but that is why i’m here. :smiley:

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local function GetTouchingParts(part)
	local connection = part.Touched:Connect(function() end)
	local results = part:GetTouchingParts()
	return results

	--important part
	local pos = script.Parent.Bullet.Position
	local targ = script.Parent.Physics.Position
	local avg4 = (targ + pos) / 2
	local avg2 = (avg4 + pos) / 2
	local avg6 = (avg4 + targ) / 2
	local avg1 = (pos + avg2) / 2
	local avg3 = (avg2 + avg4) / 2
	local avg5 = (avg4 + avg6) / 2
	local avg7 = (avg6 + targ) / 2
	local PP = {}
	PP[1] = avg1
	PP[2] = avg2
	PP[3] = avg3
	PP[4] = avg4
	PP[5] = avg5
	PP[6] = avg6
	PP[7] = avg7
	PP[8] = targ
	--important part
	for i = 1, 8, 1 do
		script.Parent.Bullet.Position = PP[i]
		local Parts = GetTouchingParts(script.Parent.Bullet)
		for j = 1, #Parts, 1 do
			if Parts[j].Name ~= "Physics" then


Automate.rbxl (22.0 KB)

On every Heartbeat it divides the distance traveled by the physics part. How can i automate this? aka: Tell it how many times it should divide. (looks like it would lag but works perfectly)

Reasons why i did it like this (if you’rewondering), is that .Touched is unreliable at high speeds, and Tween and Lerp just didn’t prove stable enough or right for the job.

Any help is appreciated!

bullet.Position = Distance * (0.125*n)

for i = 1, 8, 1 do 
    bullet.Position = Distance * (0.125*i)

What should i put in Distance in this context? A Vector3 i’d imagine, but do i just subtract/add one from/to another Vector3?

local _0 = 0.125*i
bullet.Position = Direction*Magnitude*, _0, _0)

Direction is a unit vector, magnitude is the scalar (A, B).