How can I best replicate the glass material?

One of my favorite materials to use is Glass, but unfortunately, because of its limitations with transparent objects, especially water, I’ve had to limit my use of it in my builds.

However, I can no longer deal with this, as I honestly see no viable workaround.

I was attempting to create one of those glass floor boats:


when I remembered that you cannot see any water through glass. This completely ruins the effect of my build.


I have considered getting the glass texture from Studio’s files and uploading it as a texture onto Smooth Plastic, however that still does not replicate the reflective properties of glass.

So, what would be the best way to replicate the glass material? Not just it’s texture, but, specifically, it’s qualities?

I also don’t really see Roblox fixing this anytime soon, this post from over a year ago, with over 100 likes, still hasn’t been addressed.


You should up the reflection bar in properties. Do this while upping the transparency bar and you’ll basically get glass.
If you didn’t know, refelctance and transparency are property settings.

Yes I would do what @Macawmangrovve12 said. If you want to get a glow you could use lighting at the bottom of the glass that may also change the look of the glass.

Reflectance doesn’t actually affect the reflectance of the material itself. It simply reflects the skybox.


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Try reading this post:

These are his results:
This only took a 5 second search. Maybe try doing that.

It may help you. (・ω・)b


You could always try to change the color of the glass that will make it change what it looks like You could also try texture but I do not think that would work because it would not be see through. .

Thank you, this works for the reflectance, but not the other properties of glass, unfortunately.

In your post you asked for ways to create transparency and reflectance. What other properties in particular are you looking for?

As many properties of glass that can be feasibly replicated.

A full list of them are here: Introducing New Material: Glass

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Man… that sucks. That really should be fixed. This should be brought up next time they ask for any updates we need, on the roadmap of something. I’m not good with scripting, so I’ll wait for someone else with more experience that I have to see this request and help you.

Sorry buddy. Good luck. o(ㄒoㄒ) Hopefully somebody can help you lol.

Smooth Plastic > Transparency (0.4 to 0.8) play around with it and remove shadows.

I noticed that you said you couldn’t see water under, transparency’s full point is to make things visible - I hope this helps

Thank you for your answer, but this still leaves a lot of the properties of glass unaccounted for.

Roblox has introduced the ForceField material which doesn’t delete anything reflective after it or something transparent unlike glass, nevertheless ForceField is semi-transparent and it would work perfectly. You should also set the speed of the water to 0 in the terrain property and make it have no waves, transparency is up to you.

For example:

This really needs to be fixed. It’s like the worse issue with using materials. I would reply to the post I commented on, however it is now locked so I can’t.


That won’t work. The forcefield material is ‘animated’ meaning its moving around constantly. It makes the player look like they’re floating.

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The forcefield material is not animated, that’s just due to the fact that it has a texture, as far as it doesn’t have a texture and is a very dark color it will do the job.

Sometimes I use smooth plastic and I change the reflectance and transparency, but you can use forcefield.