I strongly dislike people who make bypassed loud audios and play it in games. I want to block loud audio and punish the player who is playing the loud audio on the boombox gear. I want this script because i hate loud audios in my game, I did use a script where it does track boomboxes, but yes it did not work. I found the solution and it was just to make a mute boombox button.
I believe you can make a script that has a “mute” function. I don’t believe you have to punish them, but, if so, you can just get a mute script. It’s going to need some GUI and scripting skills.
You can let the client mute the playing audio upon request instead. Or use the odd measure of measuring the loudness of the sound then suppress the sound automatically.
You could measure the PlaybackLoudness like @anon81993163 said and make it kick the player that played the loud audio
player:Kick("Playing excessively loud or bypassed audio is not allowed")
this will not ban the player but it will kick them out of the server and display a message like this:
You can make a mute button or make a 25-stud radius, i highly recommend making a mute button thought.
And thats also a very great idea.
Turn on SoundService::RespectFilteringEnabled and don’t let clients play sounds in the first place
I have found the script. It was a boombox sort of thing that I needed to configure. As @anon81993163 stated, that the developer hub thing only created a ScreenGUI. I made the playerkick:
thing but that didn’t work either. The situation is clear now and I don’t need any more stuff that deals with sounds for now.