How Can I BLOW Up My New Game

Hello everyone, I’ve recently finished making a new roblox game called Ice Dodo and I was wondering what methods can you use to make a game like this go viral. Moreover, would it be worth advertising because so far I’ve only managed to get 5 visits :rofl:


havent looked at the game, but unless u use funds to promote your game, you’d need luck… the roblox algorithm seems to be super random and unstable nowadays


You can always ask someone to sponsor it for u and when it gets big u can pay them back with like a 5% raise


Do you know how I might be able to contact the sponsors?

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I’m not sure but you can first try contacting some friends of yours and later go into discord servers and go further from there, you can also find other ways to get ur game to become big.

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@strangercoolduck21 Hello, you can add badges for players which is also interesting for players :slight_smile:


That’s an interesting suggestion, I’ll try to find some way to add them into the game!

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