How can I calculate the rotation for this?

Hello, I have a grab system and I have a problem. The problem is, I want the part being grabbed to face the player with the rotation it had before being grabbed. The code I tried works horizontally but not vertically. The vertical rotation only rotates in one direction.

local rx, ry, rz = (CFrame.lookAt(character.Head.Position, grabbedPart.Position)):ToOrientation()
			grabbedPart.Orientation = grabbedPartBaseOrientation +,math.deg(ry),math.deg(rz)) - baseOrientation

The rx, ry, rz is the rotation of the head facing the part being grabbed. The grabbedPartBaseOrientation is the orientation of the part being grabbed before it was grabbed. baseOrientation is rx, ry, rz but before it was grabbed.


Try just doing

(CFrame.lookAt(grabbedPart.Position, character.Head.Position) * savedRotation).Rotation

Saved rotation should be the CFrame.Rotation of the part when it is picked up


That didn’t work. Rotation doesn’t exist for that.

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The part doesn’t have a CFrame?

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It does (blahblahblah roblox text min max thing)

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Then make a variable called saved rotation and set it to the part’s CFrame.Rotation

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Now this happens but it’s very close!

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I did this but didn’t do it correctly but I did it correctly but the problem above happens.

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It’s been a whole week why won’t anyone help?

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Do the same thing but remove the x rotation.

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what? can you explain more?

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Do exactly what you’re doing, but remove the x rotation of whatever CFrame you’re setting the part to. It’s simple:

local _, y, z = part.CFrame:ToOrientation()

part.CFrame = CFrame.fromOrientation(0, y, z)

or you could do:

part.CFrame = CFrame.fromOrientation(0, select(2, part.CFrame:ToOrientation()))
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Removing X rotation makes the part not rotate

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Rotate the part and then do this line of code.

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This is the problem with the video above:

mousePosPart.CFrame = * (, character.Head.Position) * CFrame.Angles(grabbedPartBaseRX,gpbrY,gpbrZ)).Rotation

mousePosPart is the part being grabbed.
grabbedPartBaseRX,gpbrY,gpbrZ are the rotation of the part when first grabbed.

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Ok, like I said before, do this exact same code, but remove the x rotation using the code I provided earlier:

local cframe = * (, character.Head.Position) * CFrame.Angles(grabbedPartBaseRX,gpbrY,gpbrZ)).Rotation

mousePosPart.CFrame = CFrame.fromOrientation(0, select(2, cframe:ToOrientation()))```
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Now it does the same thing with the same problem but Vertical movement works now

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Can you send a video? I don’t quite understand what you mean.

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Oh wait the vertical rotation broke.

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Do you want it to just follow the mouse, no rotation? I’m having trouble understanding.

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