Gah, I would love to get my teeth into this. There’s a simpler solution to this, I know there is, but I just don’t have the free time these days to tinker with code like I used to
I don’t think this would work. And if I do use this, where do I put it and what do I remove? Did you look my code? because this was instant.
You haven´t tried it out yet. Just send me your code, I’ll fix it.
It’s in the file. WAKKAWAKKAWignore
Please explain where I would put the line of code and what to remove from my original script. The local script is located in starterplayerscripts.
wtf, no solution yet?
You might want to try this
local Part ="Part")
Part.Anchored = true
Part.Parent = workspace
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local RelativeCF = Camera.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(Part.CFrame)
while true do
Part.CFrame = Camera.CFrame * RelativeCF
Would this work for 3rd person?
Sure but you would have to make it relative to character’s root part instead of camera
Do I do the same thing with the players head?
Not head, Character.HumanoidRootPart, because the head animates by default so the part would follow your characters head animation movements. The root doesnt change position when animating
Oh ok I forgot animations do that
How can I get the head position from the rootpart?
Head.Position - RootPart.Position
That gives a vector from the last one pointed to the first one, keeping the magnitude between them also.
But what do you want it for? If you want the whole CFrame of one relative to another, it would be
I want it so it uses the head position so both first person and 3rd person would look good. if it rotate around the humanoid root part, it would seem a little offset.
Ah ok, so you can get the distance between root and head at first and add it above the root
local Part ="Part")
Part.Anchored = true
Part.Parent = workspace
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local RelativeCF = Camera.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(Part.CFrame)
local Offset = Head.Position - HumanoidRootPart.Position -- get these from whatever your context is
while true do
Part.CFrame = (Camera.CFrame * RelativeCF) + Offset
Note that im adding a constant offset direction here, its assuming your character will aways be grabbing something while in a straight position, so if your character is rotated like upside down, like its falling down or ragdolled or animated to a bruscally different pose, the grabbed part wont follow that rotation. If you want it to follow that, it you should use " * Offset" instead of " + Offset"
How do I implement this into my code?
Important changes:
- At the begining of runtime, save the offset between rootpart and head:
local Offset = character.Head.Position - character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
- By the time you first grab the object, save the relative object’s CFrame from the root + offset:
RelativeCF = CFrame.lookAlong(character.HumanoidRootPart.Position + Offset, Camera.CFrame.LookVector):ToObjectSpace(grabbedPart.CFrame)
- Inside the grabbing loop, get the cam to mouse vector, build a cframe positioned at the root + offset and oriented to the “cam to mouse vector”; then multiply this cframe to your relative cframe taken from the grabbed part at the beginning, this multiplying operation act like a sum operation but for cframes, and same as CFrame:ToWorldSpace(CFrame):
local CamToMouseVector = (Mouse.Hit.Position - Camera.CFrame.Position)
mousePosPart.CFrame = CFrame.lookAlong(character.HumanoidRootPart.Position + Offset, CamToMouseVector) * RelativeCF
TestPlace.rbxl (63,0,KB)
local userInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local _workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local camera = _workspace.CurrentCamera
local Offset = character.Head.Position - character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
local relativeCF
local grabbedPart
local dragMaxRange = 8
local dragMinRange = 4
local dragFeetRange = 2
local mousePosPart = script.MousePos
userInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, processed)
if(not processed) then
if(input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1) then
local mousePart = player:GetMouse().Target
local mouseHit = player:GetMouse().Hit
if(mousePart) then
if(mousePart:FindFirstChild("GrabId")) then
if((mouseHit.Position - character.Head.Position).Magnitude < dragMaxRange) then
if(mousePart.GrabId.Value == 0) then
grabbedPart = mousePart
mousePosPart.Rotation = grabbedPart.Rotation
relativeCF = CFrame.lookAlong(character.HumanoidRootPart.Position + Offset, camera.CFrame.LookVector):ToObjectSpace(grabbedPart.CFrame)
game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvents.Grab:FireServer(mousePart.GrabId, false)
local newAttachment ="Attachment")
newAttachment.Name = "DragClickPoint"
newAttachment.Parent = grabbedPart
newAttachment.WorldPosition = mouseHit.Position
--Stopped grab
local function Drop()
game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvents.Grab:FireServer(grabbedPart.GrabId ,0)
if(grabbedPart:FindFirstChild("DragClickPoint")) then
mousePosPart.Parent = script
player:GetMouse().TargetFilter = nil
local alignPosition = mousePosPart.AlignPosition
local alignOrientation = mousePosPart.AlignOrientation
alignPosition.Attachment0 = nil
alignOrientation.Attachment0 = nil
alignPosition.Attachment1 = nil
alignOrientation.Attachment1 = nil
grabbedPart = nil
userInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(input, processed)
if(not processed) then
if(input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1) then
if(grabbedPart) then
if(grabbedPart.GrabId.Value ~= 0) then
while task.wait() do
if(grabbedPart) then
if(grabbedPart.GrabId.Value ~= 0) then
player:GetMouse().TargetFilter = grabbedPart
local newMousePos = player:GetMouse().Hit
local direction = (newMousePos.Position - character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).unit
if((newMousePos.Position - character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude <= dragMaxRange) then
mousePosPart.Position = newMousePos.Position
mousePosPart.Position = character.HumanoidRootPart.Position + direction *,dragMaxRange,dragMaxRange)
mousePosPart.Parent = workspace
local camToMouseVector = (newMousePos.Position - camera.CFrame.Position)
mousePosPart.CFrame = CFrame.lookAlong(character.HumanoidRootPart.Position + Offset, camToMouseVector) * relativeCF
local alignPosition = mousePosPart.AlignPosition
local alignOrientation = mousePosPart.AlignOrientation
alignPosition.Attachment0 = grabbedPart:WaitForChild("DragClickPoint")
alignOrientation.Attachment0 = grabbedPart.DragClickPoint
alignPosition.Attachment1 = mousePosPart.Attachment
alignOrientation.Attachment1 = mousePosPart.Attachment
if((grabbedPart.DragClickPoint.WorldPosition - character.Head.Position).Magnitude > dragMaxRange + 3) then
if(grabbedPart) then
local flyglitch = grabbedPart.Touched:Connect(function(foot)
if(grabbedPart) then
if(foot.Name == "RightFoot" or foot.Name == "LeftFoot" or foot.Name == "RightLeg" or foot.Name == "LeftLeg" or foot.Name == "LeftUpperLeg" or foot.Name == "RightUpperLeg") then
It offsets on grab.
So you basically want it to behave one way on first person and another on third person view. Ure gonna have to add events to know that change and start to recalculate propperly. Feels like ure asking too much though. You just need to understand better how CFrame works so you will be able to accomplish it. We wont be coding your whole grabbing system for you
I thought itd be more simpler