How can i call a character

how can i call a character from a player using the player’s iD?

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What do you mean by call a character? You mean find a player by their UserId? GetPlayerByUserId to access the player object should they be in game, and then accessing the character property?

how can you create a clone of a character (Model) using his ID?

There are two parts to this problem: having a character model to clone at all and figuring out how to assign the given character’s appearance to that character model.

For getting a character model, I recommend using the Animation Editor plugin that comes preinstalled with your edition of Studio. There is a rig builder so you can just select whichever rig you want and have it load into the game. Additional modifications apply.

For making that character model don an appearance, you can either manually handle all of the player’s assets via GetCharacterAppearanceAsync which will fetch the literal assets a user is wearing and pack them into a model or just apply a HumanoidDescription you get from GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId which will unload and apply assets automatically.

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