How can I cancel core actions, like running

I want to disable all user input as I switch the bindings of keys to other functions, as the user steps on a teleportation part.

The problem is I’m having to jump onto the teleporter to avoid leaving the forward button forever unreleased.

I learned about a couple of interesting functions, CallFunction and FireActionButtonFoundSignal but these are said to be “accessible only in CoreScripts”, which I read as meaning are for internal use only.

I’ve tried uis:GetKeysPressed() but there is no way for me to force release all the keys, and that feels wrong anyway. I know I could I spam the user with a GUI asking if they want to teleport, but that feels suboptimal too.

I need to cancel all running as the teleport takes place because I want to immediately disable it in the new area with:

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Would something like this cover enough for your needs?


OMG, yes that’s perfect. Until the next blocker.

Thank you.

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