I have no code. But what im asking is how can I cast rays in multiple directions.
What I am trying to make is when if a player hits another player with the sword on the character then it does extra damage. And when not aiming on the otherplayers character then it would just do the standard damage.
Now to make this more understandable this is what i’m trying to do.
Red is the line that hits the player directly (forgot to mention that the green ons have smaller distance and the red one can hit the player from a farther distance)
And green is are the lines that have a smaller reach and deal less damage.
Oh and well I do have some code but that is just one raycast
Serverscript inside the sword:
local event = script.Parent:WaitForChild("fightRemote")
local event2 = script.Parent:WaitForChild("fightRemote").showDamageRemote
local char = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local humanoid = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local params = RaycastParams.new()
params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
params.FilterDescendantsInstances = {char}
local origin = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position
local direction = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame.LookVector * 20
local result = workspace:Raycast(origin, direction, params)
if result then
local damage = 35
local part = result.Instance
local enemy = part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") or part.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if enemy and enemy:GetState() ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Dead then
event2:FireClient(player, enemy.Parent)
And one more thing its not neccesary but it would be cool if you’d told me how to do that aswell which is making the rays visible. Again I know how to make 1`ray visible
There’s a lot of missing information here, in what pattern do you want the rays to be fired? Conical? Spherical? The easiest solution is to just get a function that samples you a uniformly distributed Vector3 direction, i.e Random:NextUnitVector, but I doubt that’s what you want judging from your diagram.
It’s much better to use workspace:SphereCast() rather than multiple rays, which works in the same was as linear raycasts, but uses 3d geometry (in this case, as sphere) instead of a straight line. If you want it to be only 180 degrees, you can also use a meshPart with a hemisphere shape and rely on .Touched events. I would recommend this last method because this way it’s possible to detect multiple players if they’re near.
Sorry that this is late, but this is the most ideal and customizable way to go around this that I can think of.
This should work as you wanted. (Sorry for minimal notetaking)
local MaxRange = 20
local MaxAngle = 180
local PrimaryPart = script.Parent --Idealy the character's root part
--Adjust params freely
local RadiusParams = OverlapParams.new()
RadiusParams.MaxParts = 0 --0 means no limit
RadiusParams.RespectCanCollide = false
--Blacklist PrimaryPart from showing in results
RadiusParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
RadiusParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {PrimaryPart}
--Adjust params freely
local RayParams = RaycastParams.new()
RayParams.RespectCanCollide = false
local function GetPosition(inst:PVInstance)
return inst:GetPivot().Position
local function GetPartsInRange(From:Vector3, Range:number):{BasePart}
local PartsInRange = workspace:GetPartBoundsInRadius(From, Range, RadiusParams)
local Parts = {}
for _, inst in PartsInRange do
if inst:IsA("BasePart") then
table.insert(Parts, inst)
return Parts
local function GetCharactersInRange(From:Vector3, Range:number):{Model}
local PartsInRange = workspace:GetPartBoundsInRadius(From, Range, RadiusParams)
local Characters = {}
for _, inst in PartsInRange do
local Char = inst.Parent
if Char and Char:IsA("Model") and Char:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then
local CharAlreadyListed = table.find(Characters, Char) ~= nil
--Only add the character if it hasn't been added yet
if not CharAlreadyListed then
table.insert(Characters, Char)
return Characters
local function GetInAngle(From:Vector3, Instances:{BasePart|Model})
local FinalInstances = {}
for _, inst in Instances do
local Position = GetPosition(inst)
--Negate and offset the dot product
local RelativeAngleDot = -PrimaryPart.CFrame.LookVector:Dot(CFrame.lookAt(From, Position).LookVector)
RelativeAngleDot += 1
if (RelativeAngleDot * 180) <= MaxAngle then
table.insert(FinalInstances, inst)
return FinalInstances
while task.wait(1.5) do
local PrimaryPos = PrimaryPart.Position
local Characters = GetCharactersInRange(PrimaryPos, MaxRange)
local CharactersInAngle = GetInAngle(PrimaryPos, Characters)
for i, char in CharactersInAngle do
local CharPos = GetPosition(char)
local RayResult = workspace:Raycast(PrimaryPos, CFrame.lookAt(PrimaryPos, CharPos).LookVector * MaxRange, RayParams)
--Remove the character if it's invalid (Not visible)
if RayResult.Instance.Parent ~= char then
table.remove(CharactersInAngle, i)
You can customize the max values and params freely.
Just don’t set the angle above or below 0 - 360 degrees.