How can i change a player's mouse Icon in a plugin?

I’m currently making a plugin and i want to change the mouse’s icon but when i try to change Plugin:GetMouse().Icon, nothing happens.
I looked at the source code of a plugin made just to change your mouse’s icon and it uses the same method as mine; change Plugin:GetMouse().Icon.

If there’s any way of changing the mouse’s icon or making it invisible, please let me know

This works in game, might not work in a plugin, I’ve never made one.

As opposed to Plugin:GetMouse(), try using Player:GetMouse().Icon = asset_here.

You can’t get the player since it’s not In-Game

I thought you might be able to, since LocalPlayer and referencing the player works in the Studio command bar. The player is still under the Players service in Studio, I’m pretty sure you can get the player.

My bad, but when i get the mouse from the player and set the Icon it still doesn’t set it to my image

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I found a solution but it’s not perfect, I found out the mouse Icon can only change when it’s NOT an image ID, it only works with images saved on your computer. So what i did was set the mouse’s Icon to “rbxasset://textures/Blank.png” and then setting an ImageLabel’s position to Widget:GetRelativeMousePosition(). It’s not perfect since there’s a 1 frame delay, but it’s the best option i got.


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