How can i change roblox chasis body? [Solved]

How can i change roblox chasis body??

I want to change the body of this car model but dont know how to.

Can anyone tell or share any link where i can learn to setup/change body of this chasis


Go into the model and remove the chasis, I’d first read the properties from the properties tab in studio. It really is just a matter of removing parts, or in this case mesh’s and changing the orientation.

I have tried this and nothing working. This is so damn complicated. Nothing working man, i need this to understand for a commission🙂.

Are you trying to use a script to change it?
Are you trying to change it in Studio?

I’m not in Studio right now so I can’t look at the model, but usually cars that have MeshPart bodies either need to have the MeshID changed in the MeshPart, or the MeshPart needs to be removed from the model and a new MeshPart with the correct ID needs to be welded to the car.

Please be more specific about what and how you are trying to do this. Remember, you know exactly what you are talking about, but you need to explain it to us in the most basic sense so we can understand ALL the different aspects.

I have a car model and i want to replace it body with another but i tried everything made the correct welds but this still not working.

If i give you the model can you try to replace the body??

It takes a bit of experience to strip away everything without breaking the car.

I have done it many times. Here is a bones version of the car you want:

CarBones.rbxl (394.4 KB)

I made everything green and transparent so you can see all of the essential parts.

Just position your graphics and weld them to these parts.

Keep in mind the doors and wheels need to be individually welded to the each green door and each green wheel.

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ill try this. please do reply if i asked something. There’s nothing available which i can use to under stand this chassis😭

hey could please tell the steps. I dont understand this at all this my first time working on a chassis.

this is the body and wheel i have.

Im workin on this car Customization system. The paint section is ready i have to learn about the chassis to make the appearance system work too.

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I welded every part of the car to the trim_grey using the welds it have but

the car is submerged. Could you tell why??

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Make sure all your graphic parts are set to be Massless.

Screen Shot 2024-04-12 at 5.24.47 PM

Make sure all your wheel graphics are set to not Collide.

Screen Shot 2024-04-12 at 5.25.10 PM

You may also need to change the CollisionGroup for your doors, or just set them to not Collide.

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thnkx that fixed it but now how can i add the wheel. I used this weld and welded the car wheels and set the canCollide false and massless true

but they fall down idk why

can you please just set up this model and ill copy paste your work for my other car models. please
car body.rbxm (43.8 KB)

if you cant just help me with the wheels.

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also how can i change wheels position. I tried to change the wheels position to match the body and they now stuck at this angle

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I added the wheels for you.

That version is called "New_Original_Front and is in the workspace.

Screen Shot 2024-04-12 at 6.23.35 PM

In ServerStorage you will find one named New_Wider_Front.

I moved the front wheels to be farther apart.

This is how you move the front wheels to be farther apart.

Step 1:

Pick a small distance to move things. I used 0.125.

Screen Shot 2024-04-12 at 6.26.52 PM

Now grab all pieces for one of the front wheels and move them all at once. I moved them 3 times outward for each side (for a total of 0.375).

Screen Shot 2024-04-12 at 6.20.27 PM

After you have moved both front wheels outward the same amount, you then need to add that distance to the number in the SteeringTieRod for each side. (If you don’t, then the wheels will angle like they are turning in opposite directions.

I added .375 to the 2.417 for a new value of 2.792.

You may need to play a little to get exactly what you want. Just remember to move things an exact amount and remember that amount.

CarBones2.rbxl (464.5 KB)

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Just a couple of my suggestions:

  • Don’t promise to do a commission unless you can actually do the work.
  • Pay @mc7oof for their help since they basically did all of the work fitting your body to the car.

As you can see in the video i have everything done, it just this chassis i have never worked else was difficult at all.

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Hey the method you told is all working fine but when i change the tire size of the CarBone model you made. The wheels stops to work properly.

Can you tell why?

and even moving them forward/backward causes problems

Are you selecting all the wheel parts and moving them like @mc7oof said?

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