I am making a Simulator with a Clicking Simulator rebirth system and when you rebirth I want the text price of all of the rebirths to change. Can anyone Help?
forgot to put this:
I am making a Simulator with a Clicking Simulator rebirth system and when you rebirth I want the text price of all of the rebirths to change. Can anyone Help?
forgot to put this:
The default price should be stored as a number value (or int value) and when he rebirths, multiply that value with the amount of rebirths he did (or however you want to add)
Your gonna need a formula to make each rebirth more expensive then the last, (unless you wanna write them all down for some reason)
When they rebirth, just make the rebirth price more expensive and have a .Changed event on the text you want to change.
something like this:
textYouWantToChange.Text = RebirthValue.Value
Do you know where i would put this?
Well you first need to set it up. Make a value called RebirthValue
This value should increase whenever someone rebirths and so on. Then, whatever text you want to change, put the script above in a local script and make sure “textYouWantToChange” and “RebirthValue” are both accessible. You can also add as much text you want to change, just add more lines inside the .Changed event
Do I put this in a separate script or the one I have uploaded at the top? I’m pretty new to scripting.
Yes, but you need to create the “RebirthValue” Value first. (Make sure it’s in a accessible place to each person, like the character of the player)