Hello, so i’m making this thing and I was wondering how I could see how much time is left on the tween. Is it possible? Any help is appreciated
heres my script btw
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Goals = {
Size = Vector3.new(220,1,10)
local Info = TweenInfo.new(1, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, 0, false, 3)
local Tween = TweenService:Create(script.Parent, Info, Goals)
im not really sure if theres an official method BUT thats besides the point heres a method to measure
local StartTime = 0
local FinishTime = 0
StartTime = tick()
--then start the tween
if playbackState == Enum.PlaybackState.Completed then
FinishTime = tick()
print("Tween Duration =", FinishTime-StartTime)
so run the code and once the tween is done it will print out the duration of time it takes
local TweenDuration = --print the value here
local Start = 0
local HowMuchTimeIsLeft = 0
Start = tick()
--start the tween
HowMuchTimeIsLeft = tick() - Start
this should give you the all the building blocks you need really
i’ll try it. Give me a second Preformatted text
also yet another side note this will give you the amount of time left in seconds
if you want a percentage it wouldnt be so hard either
ok so this kinda works. But how can I see like the current time a tween is on? If thats even possible?
like how complete the tween is you mean?
you simply divide the TweenDuration by HowMuchTimeIsLeft and that will give you the percantage as a decimal of how complete your tween is
let me try that. Thank you so much for your help btw