Hello! I’m making this badge to award to players when the creator is in the same server as them. But I don’t know how to do the scripting. Any suggestions on how to find a certain player in the server by their user ID? Thanks!
Use a script like this
local creatorId = nil -- Replace nil with the userid e.x( 19374723 )
local BadgeId = nil -- Replace this with the Id of the Badge
local BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")
while true do
for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
if v.UserId == creatorId then
creator = v
for ii, vv in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
BadgeService:AwardBadge(vv.UserId, BadgeId)
Tell me if you get any errors, this was made off the top of my head.
OK I’ll try both of them tomorrow.
@StarJ3M’s idea will work But this is better and efficient
local YourBadge = 0000000 -- your badge id
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local PlayerUserId = PlayersGetPlayerByUserId(nil) -- yourUserId
if PlayerUserId then
game:GetService("BadgeService"):AwardBadge(PlayerUserId, YourBadge)
Just came back to this to realize that @StarJ3M’s idea will work, but will be really bad for the server. @lilmazen1234’s idea won’t work at all as it only runs at the start, and will only award to the creator either way. Here is a version that would work and is the most efficient possible:
local badgeid = 00000 --badge id
local badges = game:GetService("BadgeService")
if plr.UserId == game.CreatorId then
for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
if not badges:UserHasBadge(v.UserId, badgeid) then
badges:AwardBadge(v.UserId, badgeid)
if game.Players:GetPlayerByUserId(game.CreatorId) then
badges:AwardBadge(plr.UserId, badgeid)
Can you elaborate why yours is more usable? I want some recommendations for my future work.
Yours constantly loops through the players of the game and checks whether one of them has the userid of the creator, but you also do another loop to give the badges. Mine is more useable since it only goes when a player is added and if that player’s userid is the owner’s, it will give the badge to everyone in the server.
You can get the name for the ID with GetNameFromUserIdAsync
, after verify if exist with FindFirstChild. (Sorry for my english)
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local function ifplayer(ID)
local PlayerName = players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(ID)
print("No exist");
Just bind the function
here is a more efficient method
local badgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")
local playersService = game:GetService("Players")
local creatorId = 123456789
local creatorOnline = false
local badgeId = 123456789
if player.UserId == creatorId then
creatorOnline = true
-- when the creator enters the game loop all players already on this server and give them a badge
for i, otherPlayer in playersService:GetPlayers() do
if player == otherPlayer then continue end
badgeService:AwardBadge(otherPlayer.UserId, badgeId)
elseif creatorOnline == true then
badgeService:AwardBadge(player.UserId, badgeId)
if player.UserId ~= creatorId then return end
creatorOnline = false
in this method we keep a variable stored when the creator logs in we set to true and when they log out we set to false so that when a new player logs in we don’t need to loop all players to find the creator we just check the variable and if its set to true we know the creator is online also when the creator logs in that is the only time we need to loop the players to make sure to give badges to all players that are already online
there is no need to use UserHasBadgeAsync because
More like:
local creators = {"kdopdaux1803","nzrw1","steakwad","LoukaTigre_ps3","PiexelatedMind"} -- You can put anyone in there (kdopdaux1803 (Me (aka Cyril) could be it(nzrw1 (aka Nzrw1) could be it(steakwad (aka steak) could be it(LoukaTigre_ps3 (aka Louka) could be it(PiexelatedMind (aka steakIsInYourWalls) could be it too) So like you can post everyone in there, i only putted 5 people but that is ok.
This line of this script is composed of 397 letters so this is why the line of it is so long…
I was giving him an example What he could do, Not the whole script.
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