How can I copy/paste a part from other location to where I am now?

I often find myself wanting to paste parts from one place in the map, to my current location.

The issue is that I have to:

  • a) Drag the part a long way across the map
  • b) Edit the parts position values to some part currently in the current position

My question is, is there a short cut or some menu option that I don’t know about that will allow me to insert the current part from the clipboard into the current location?

Thanks in advance!

I place a new part, copy its position, then yknow

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Copy part and paste part. It’s super simple. Just make sure you have nothing highlighted or else the new part will be pasted onto the highlighting part.

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I normally do something like this VV

but if you want, you could also copy and paste the position of the part just like how @JayTalaz said, altho It won’t work with models :woman_shrugging:


That’s perfect! Thanks so much. Just what I was looking for.

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Hello, i use Ctrl + c to copy and Ctrl + v to paste,

Lol, yep. The question was how to get the ctrl-v to put the part where you want it. :slight_smile: