Hello! I’m currently working with the cmdr admin panel, and have attempted to create a flying command. I can’t find anything online that works, so I’ve taken to the forums for some help.
Here is the image of the server side script, player being the player that sent out the command. But I don’t know how to make the player actually fly. All help is appreciated, Thanks!
I recommend watching some tutorials on youtube, but it is curcial to understand if your character is R6 or R15 as it would be a different process for both. Since it is a command, you could do something like:
local flying = false
local split = message.split(" ")
local target = split[2]
-- then find the target in players using your logic
if target then
local targetHumanoid = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(target).Humanoid
humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Flying, not flying)
flying = not flying
Keep in mind this is for R6 only as I assume that is what you are trying to do, and after all this is only an example so feel free to change m logic!