How can i create a player clone that repeat ALL my movements?

I want make a player clone 2.8x bigger that repeat ALL my movements.

I tryed make that for 3 months, but i cant, is Impossible for me, i tryed a lot of ways, but i failed, so If Anyone could helpme.

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If I’m not mistaken you can change the humanoid body scale type, body type, etc to make your humanoid bigger. I don’t quite know about copying movements but size shouldn’t be a problem.

My main problem is just the movements, look

On that case i just cloned ALL player parts, made bigger, clear all childrens, then welded (like head weld with Head, hand with hand etc), but as you can see the result is terrible, mainly when you walk

you could make the clones humanoid movedirection the same as the players humanoid movedirection

My mainly problem is the clone repeat the animation too, look the gif

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If you’re main problem is movement, then if I’m not mistaken, you can make PathfindingService to copy your movements. You can then make the clone jump when your humanoid jumps by using the following code:

   local hum = game.Players:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”)
   PlrClone = game.ReplicatedStorage:Clone()

         PlrClone:GetState() = hum:GetState()

I haven’t checked this code at all and I haven’t done something with humanoid in a long time, so this may be full of errors.

With movements i mean animation, as you can see on gif

The clone iam making will be a “Transformation”, so the real problem is make follow the player animation, and as you can sell just Weld dont solve the problem, the clone animation be WEIRD.

Try making the Middle Leg parts longer.

That IS not the problem, the problem is dont have joints.

Well, try this.

If the Transformation’s BodyParts are named after a Character’s BodyParts:
You should clone the joints from the original character. You would might have to do some repositioning of the joints tho.

If the Transformation’s BodyParts are NOT named after a Character’s BodyParts:
Use the script to name each cloned BodyPart to the Character’s BodyPart name (ie. LeftLowerLeg, etc). Then do what I stated above.

Iam cloning and put on a different Model, should i put ALL inside player model?.

Could you please emphasize this? I am having a hard time understanding what you said.

Iam doing that: Clone ALL player parts, cleaning childrens, putting on a Model and welding the Clone parts on Player parts

Well here is your problem:

When you remove the children of the BodyParts, you are removing the Joints. Try removing everything BUT the joints from the BodyParts.

I cant, if i dont remove that happen