How can I create a shockwave effect with ParticleEmitters?

Hello there!

I’m currently struggling on how to create a shockwave effect via ParticleEmitters, the image below me is what I am trying to achieve. (Sorry if the image is a bit blurry.)
Anyway, this is what I am trying to achieve, I basically want to make a particle emitter burst into a ring of some sort. How can I replicate this?


I’m having a hard time discerning what’s happening. Would a more clear image of what you are trying to achieve be possible?


you can use :Emit() from the particle emitter and then setting the particle emitter X spread angle to 360 or 360,0

im not sure what exactly the image shows but i think this is what you want to achieve


Yeah, it’s true. I needed to just rotate the part to achieve the effect, thanks!

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