How can I create a transparent clone of a player and have it sit in a seat? (Including their costume)

I am trying to create a transparent clone of a player. I have successfully made the character body parts transparent, but I’m not sure how to make their costume transparent if they are wearing one.

This is the relevant script^

I’ve also been trying to get the clone to sit, but Seat:Sit() just makes the clone stand on the chair.

This is when the rig type is set to R15^

This is when the rig type is set to R6^

I’ve looked into using the HumanoidDescription but I can’t find anything on how to actually access their clothing items.

Any tips would be appreciated.

use GetDescendants() to include all deep inside parts

look into the Explorer for the cloned model. does it has an Animator?
also we player have a script called Animate that will do the check to play seated animation
check if the model has it or not. if not, then you can either copy that Animate script and Animator and give it to the clone. or you directly load the animation to its Animator and play the AnimationTrack