I’m requesting help on how I can make an FPS viewmodel. My main goal is to detect when the player is in first person (Which I have already done.) Then I would like to take the existing players arms from the character and move them to the cameras location. Sorta creating an viewmodel illusion without creating separate viewmodels.
I hope this is clear. (I’m not the best at explaining things lol.)
I’m not 100% sure on this, but I believe when the default camera is zoomed in all the way to 1st person, all parts of the player’s character are automatically made invisible. You may have to look into options like making a copy model of the player’s arms and then using this for your “viewmodel”.
You can check the magnitude between the HumanoidRootPart’s position and the Camera’s position and see: If it is less than 1 studs, then the player is in First Person, otherwise, he is in third person.
Yeah. I previously made my fps viewmodels with premade models of the players arms. I just wanted to move the players arms because it would remove a step from making a viewmodel and make it less tedious. Thanks!