Unrelated to your initial question (I get to that later in my reply), but math.random(-math.huge, math.huge) is always -2147483648 because it can only handle 32 bit integers which math.huge exceeds.
-- Assuming it's the map's seed it should also be moved outside the loops.
local SeedAbsLimit = 2 ^ 32 / 2 - 1
local Seed = math.random(-SeedAbsLimit, SeedAbsLimit)
Now about your question, I happen to have a SmoothStep function for this exact purpose! It’s a mess of equations but you can play with a visualizer on desmos to see what it does.
This SmoothStep has properties to modify your map’s shape:
Smoothness coefficient (s) - how “steep” the transitions are between low and high spots.
Fulcrum position (p) – bias for either more low or more high spots.
I took the liberty to make an adjusted version of your script with my changes. Make sure to change the SmoothStep input to get the shape you’re looking for!
Adjusted script
Smoothly interpolates between a & b
Visual graph: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/3zhzwbfrxd
x -- interpolation (0 - 1)
s -- smoothing coefficient (0: linear, 0.5: bilinear 1: instant)
p -- fulcrum position, i.e. controls the bias between a and b
local function smoothStep(a: number, b: number, x: number, s: number, p: number): number
if s > 0.995 then -- s near 1 causes overflows, assume instant change at p
return x < p and a or b
local c = 2 / (1 - s) - 1
if x < p then
return x ^ c / (p ^ (c - 1)) * (b - a) + a
return (1 - (1 - x) ^ c / (1 - p) ^ (c - 1)) * (b - a) + a
local Map = workspace:WaitForChild("Map")
local FogSize = 200
local Resolution = 80
local Frequency = 1
local Amplitude = 100
local SeedAbsLimit = 2 ^ 32 / 2 - 1
local Seed = math.random(-SeedAbsLimit, SeedAbsLimit)
for X = 1, FogSize do
for Z = 1, FogSize do
local Part = Instance.new("Part")
Part.Anchored = true
Part.Size = Vector3.new(1, 0.5, 1)
Part.Parent = Map
local HeightPercentile = math.clamp(math.noise(
-- Arbitrary decimals prevents getting all integers (in this case noise would result as 0)
(X + 0.5238) / Resolution * Frequency,
(Z - 0.8734) / Resolution * Frequency,
) * 0.5 + 0.5, 0, 1)
local Height = smoothStep(0, Amplitude, HeightPercentile, 0.85, 0.5)
Part.Position = Vector3.new(X, Height, Z)
You’re not going to want a new value from math.random for the 3rd parameter of each call to math.noise because you won’t get Perlin noise, you’ll just be sampling Perlin Noise randomly, which is going to just get you regular (non-Perlin) noise.
Normal usage is to either pass a constant value for Y if you want to sample a plane from the Perlin Noise (e.g. you want a 2D height map), or to use the actual Y position if you want true 3D perlin noise (to get caves and such).