How can i create this type of character movement system including every detail, and weapons and their animations? help please?

  1. **What do you want to achieve?
    I want to achieve the same system with every feature including weapon animations, as I am creating a Roblox remake of the PlayStation video game bloodborn. Here is a video, I would like someone to do it for me or help me and be by my side to accomplish this because I have no experience and I don’t know where to start. lol
    Here is the video, watch the character movement and the weapon animations closely lol, I want to recreate everything that is in their system.

btw I’m happy to invite anyone to my Roblox studio if you are willing to run me through it. also, skip to 0:50 on the video to see the combat part of it.

Character movement system:

Thank you for your help, let me know if you can help me in Roblox studio, or you will do it for me but that’s up to you. :slight_smile:

This is a very big system and what you’re asking for has been asked countless times before, just in less niche ways. Look up how to make a melee weapon system. I did one google search and I got this. If it isn’t what you’re looking for then you’ll have to use parts of it and develop your own system.

Ok thanks for you’re help, i will take a look