I am attempting to make a game, where you do not have a character (OpenTTD, Planet Coaster) and I am trying to delete the charcter. But it deletes the whole workspace!
I mean im not sure why it’s deleting the baseplate but when you do delete the character it does spit out a couple errors.
Instead, I’d recommend you hide the character either by making it fully transparent or placing it in another part of the map and then create a custom camera
Although you can continue with your idea, but I ain’t sure why it’s deleting the baseplate
WAIT! Never mind, you’re not calling the .new function on Vector3.
You’re doing:
Vector3(num, num, num)
When it should be:
Vector3.new(num, num, num)
In the console ofc
Hence why it’s erroring “Attempt to call a table value” because you put parenthesis after the Vector3 constructor which is a table and NOT a method
I meant that it kind of reseted it? Like you do a factory reset on a pc, that happens with the workspace. The baseplate you are seeing is made with the console later on.
Ah, maybe instead of doing script.Parent:Destroy() you could explicitly define the Character and THEN destroy it Character:Destroy() maybe explicitly defining it will work. Who knows til you try it?
That doesn’t work. Archivable just means something won’t be saved, it doesn’t mean something can’t be deleted… (Unless I haven’t been educated)
local Client = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = Client.Character or Client.CharacterAdded:Wait()
Character.Archivable = true
-- Or you can do