I need to act on changing of the Mouse.Hit.Position
I can listen to the event of user moving the mouse but this does not cover the case when the user moves without moving the mouse.
Is there some other way to detect the change of Mouse.Hit.Position?
I can use the Heartbeat event for example, but I am wondering whether there is a more performant solution?
local lastpos = Vector3.new()
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse()
local old = lastpos
local new = mouse.Hit and mouse.Hit.Position
if old ~= new then
print("New mouse world position!")
lastpos = new
Unfortunately the verification will still be triggered on each RenderStepped/Heartbeat, but if there is no other way…
Another issue is that simple comparison of vectors here gives a lot of false positives. For some reason Roblox reports the position often with minor differences after the 5th decimal digit, which makes the vectors different in case of direct comparison, even when the player/mouse has not moved.
So some rounding of the separate vector components (x,y,z) seems needed.