Lets say I have a block
And lets say that its surrounded by parts like this?
How would I detect this?
Lets say I have a block
And lets say that its surrounded by parts like this?
How would I detect this?
I believe that if the parts are touching, you can do MainPart:GetTouchingParts()
which returns an array of the touching parts. If that doesn’t work, you could use Region3 and FindPartsInRegion3.
I’m not sure I completely understand your question are you trying to check if a certain amount of parts surround a part In general or parts that are directly touching a part or within a confined area?
if your looking for parts that directly surround a part GetTouchingParts as mentioned above should work
I want to know if all surfaces of the part is surrounded by other parts. And the other parts will be touching the part.
if you had a grid principle in mind, that would be easy, simply raycast in all 6 directions and see if there is a part intersecting each ray
Last question(sorry) do you need to detect if all parts that surround a part to fully cover the surface it’s “on”, so that basically the main part isn’t visible?
transparency isn’t part of collision but CanCollide is, see [Obsolete] Simple trick to make GetTouchingParts work with non-CanCollide parts .
And if you mean other game-specific logic, you can work that out in multiple ways, for example having a BoolValue in each part and seeing if its value is true or false to determine on or off.
It does not need to fully cover the surface, but It does need to touch the surface.
Will your parts always be cubes, will they always be aligned within a grid, and will they always be the same size?
It should be noted that :GetTouchingParts() does not return adjacent parts, meaning that if they only share a surface it will not return the adjacent part using that function. Now, you can either do raycasting for this as mentioned earlier, or use a custom function like the one outlined in the article below.
The article below outlines a custom function for finding adjacent parts, this might apply better to what you are doing.
Cheers, hope my answer helped a bit!
yes… I’m making a voxel game…
If this is a voxel game, then this can be solved using a 3D array Assuming your map doesn’t get too large you can use an algorithm to check all around a specific point of a 3D array. Each index will be a component of the location of the part and we can store a string for a block id if it exists, or nil if there is no object there.
Like so:
--Here is our 3D array
local Array3D
--Here is where we make a blank map if you would
local xLength = 10
local yLength = 10
local zLength = 10
Array3D = table.create(xLength)
for x=1, xLength do
local dimY = table.create(yLength)
Array3D[x] = dimY
for y=1, yLength do
dimY[y] = table.create(zLength) --Here is what our default values are, in this case nil.
--Here is an example of getting an object at x=1, y=2, z=3
local object = Array3D[1][2][3]
--Here is an example of setting an object at x=3, y=4, z=8
Array3D[3][4][8] = "dirt"
--Here we create a function test around a given point to see if it is surrounded by blocks and track which faces are occupied
--It returns in the order of up, down, left, right, front, back
local function getFacesOccupied(x, y, z)
local up, down, left, right, front, back = false, false, false, false, false, false
--Ensure Bounds
if x <= xLength and x >= 1 and y <= yLength and y >= 1 and z <= zLength and z >= 1 then
if x-1 > 0 and x+1 <= xLength then
--Test left face
if Array3D[x+1][y][z] ~= nil then
left = true
--Test right face
elseif Array3D[x-1][y][z] ~= nil then
right = true
if y-1 > 0 and y+1 <= yLength then
--Test top face
if Array3D[x][y+1][z] ~= nil then
up = true
--Test bottom face
elseif Array3D[x][y-1][z] ~= nil then
down = true
if z-1 > 0 and z+1 <= zLength then
--Test front face
if Array3D[x][y][z+1] ~= nil then
front = true
--Test back face
elseif Array3D[x][y][z-1] ~= nil then
back = true
return up, down, left, right, front, back
--Here we get faces occupied at x=2, y=4, z=5
local up, down, left, right, front, back = getFacesOccupied(2, 4, 5)
Note that in this example all parts were at a 1, 1, 1 size, if you want to make parts at a 4, 4, 4 size, you can simply just use the each component and multiply it by 4 to get the position. Example:
local partSize = 4
local x, y, z = 1, 1, 1
SomePart.Size = Vector3.new(partSize, partSize, partSize)
SomePart.Position = Vector3.new(x*partSize , y*partSize , z*partSize)