How can I detect if the user has safe chat or not?

After finding various posts, I couldn’t find this same topic as it may have been removed. I want to know how to detect if the uset has safe chat or not. How?


Safe chat was removed a while ago. You can only check if players can chat or not.

You will need to use Chat.CanUserChatAsync. This function accounts for account privacy settings and can be used by the server. There are other methods but they’re fairly unreliable and are client-based.

Safe chat was not removed in my experience, as users under the age of 13 have not been able to say numbers in Roblox games however users over 13+ still can- could you link me to said update?

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Safe chat is not the same as filtered text.

The safe chat system primarily existed for guests without access to chatting features. It has since been removed, as were the safe chat commands with the advent of the Lua Chat System.

We’re thinking of two different kinds of safechat- OP is talking about the modern-day filter system safechat. If you’re not aware: The filter is stricter on those below the age of 13. This is known as “safe chat” today. OP most likely wants to know if the player has modern-day “safe chat”.


There aren’t different kinds of safe chat. Safe chat was a system intended to facilitate rudimentary discussions for users who couldn’t chat, which was primarily for guests. Filtering text is far different from that. There is no comparison between an entire chat system and a text filter.

You yourself pointed it out but combined two unalike terms. The filter is stricter for users under 13. In general, the filter is tailored to be compliant with COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act). Therefore, users under 13 are privy to heavier restrictions.

This is not safe chat, it is simply a varying level of filtering against the user. You aren’t able to check what level a user is held against, only if they can chat or not.

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You can’t reliably check what level of filtering a user is at. There are more than 2 and they continually adapt so it’s not even really applicable to any game logic.

Like colbert said OG SafeChat has been gone for years

It doesn’t matter what the community calls it, it’s not safe chat. Arguing my point for the sake of being pedantic on inaccurate and incorrect nomenclature is pointless and clogging this thread unnecessarily. Please take your debate somewhere else. People are interested in learning how to do something, not what you want to call a system.

Furthermore, don’t cherry pick wording to prove a point. There are more than two levels of filtering, not more than two chat systems. Safe chat was removed, text filtering is not safe chat.

This kind of behaviour is toxic and inappropriate for the forum. Keep it clean.

Oh, alright. I understand what’s wrong and why they may have perhaps removed it a while ago. I thought of something Player:SetSuperSafeChat() from a long time ago, but I guess it’s not it. Not to go off-topic, but a clear understanding of why I may have asked this unusual question.